Weekly Announcements


Snazzy Seconds will be open on Saturday, February 15, 2025 from 1:00 pm. – 4:00 p.m.  It is also BAG SALE!!

RAINBOWS & REMEDIES: How to create an inclusive 2SLGBTQ+ environment in your home, place of worship, work, and community.  Everyone is welcome to a presentation by Roger Tam, clinical pharmacist from Our Own Health Centre, Winnipeg – Sunday, Feb. 16 at 1:30 pm Boissevain Community Centre 468 South Railway Street Donations appreciated: bvncomgsa@gmail.com or at the door.



March 2 ~ NO SUNDAY SCHOOL Class

March 5 ~ Ash Wednesday…Lent begins

March 23 ~ NO SUNDAY SCHOOL Class

April 13 ~ Palm Sunday

April 20 ~ Easter Sunday


As we know the United Church of Canada is celebrating its 100th Anniversary in June. We are looking for people to join together in planning a celebration event for the St Paul’s United Church Pastoral Charge. Please contact Karen for further information or to express your interest.

Western P2P – Youth Event — https://prairietopinerc.ca/event/western-p2p-youth-event/Location:  Prairie Breeze Stables just outside of Brandon. Description:  An afternoon of fun with friends and horses! For Youth Grades 5 to 12 Planned by YAAY’s* Western Reps, especially for youth in their part of the Prairie to Pine Region. Throughout the afternoon, there will be 3 main stations. Each one will be about compassion and patience. We will not be riding any horses instead we will be focusing on connecting with horses and seeing their compassion and patience with us. You will get to brush multiple horses, lead them and let them show us things we don’t understand. You will also have time to connect with other youth and explore your faith while reflecting on the theme. For registration, click the link above.

Karen Kempe’s business cards are on the table in the foyer of the church and also on the ledge inside the CE building door.  Please help yourself.

VISITATION REQUESTS – Do you know anyone who would benefit from a visit from Karen?  Karen is happy to do visits in private homes, as well as, the Boissevain Hospital, Evergreen Place and Westview Lodge as part of her Pastoral Care dedication.  Karen is available by phone or later afternoon/early evening visits by appointment during the week.  Karen can be reached at (204) 761-0236.

Karen has an email address! st_pauls_minister@wcgwave.ca

Please spread the good news that Karen is available to officiate funerals for our church family.  

The Pastoral Care Team Prayer Circle is at your service! If you or someone you know is in need of supportive prayers, please reach out to Karen or one of the Pastoral Care Team members to be added to the list. Your request is kept confidential and you provide as much or as little information as you would like.

Members of the Pastoral Care Team are: 

Ethel Black 204-534-6362  eblack@mymts.net

Judy McRuer 204-534-2284  jmcruer@mymts.net

Bonnie Scott 204-534-8182  awbscott@gmail.com

Elaine Wintle 204-534-6270  erwintle@mts.net

Tara Cassils 204-305-0272  tcassils@gmail.com

Muriel Good 204-534-0739 muriel.good@icloud.com

Prayer Box – there is a prayer box in the vestibule by the table.  Anyone wishing to request prayers for themselves or others please drop a note in the box. 

WORSHIP TEAM REQUEST – We would like to invite any and all people who would like to be a Reader during Sunday Service or a Greeter prior to Worship to sign up on the sheet in the foyer or contact Maxine at the church office.  We thank you in advance for assisting where possible.  Congregational involvement is always valuable and on the days that Karen preaches we hope we can count on YOU to read a selected piece!  We also feel it would be beneficial to have a Greeter each Sunday to direct new comers to coffee, washrooms, Sunday School – if children are attending.


February 2025 – Lynn Pearen – Reader; Ethel Black – Greeter

March 2025 – Lynn Pearen – Reader; Laura Wilson & boys – Greeters

April 2025 – Lynn Pearen – Reader

Church Office 204-534-6347

Minister:  st_pauls_minister@wcgwave.ca

Secretary: st_pauls_secretary@wcgwave.ca                                                                                                                   

Bookkeeper: st_pauls_treasurer@wcgwave.ca

Our Facebook Page is: St. Paul’s United Church

Our Website is: boissevainunitedchurch.com

Snazzy Seconds – is open Mon, Tues, Wed, and Friday, 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

PAR (Pre-Authorized Remittance). If you wish to give to St. Paul’s United Church by this method or would like more information on it, please call Brenda Shaw at the church office 204-534-6347.

Anyone who needs to change their PAR amount, please notify the treasurer at st_pauls_treasurer@wcgwave.ca or leave a message at the church 204-534-6347.  If you are a Credit Union member, ask them to change the memo section to include your name. Thank you.

Those who are not on PAR (Pre-Authorized Remittance), please mail your offering and/or Memorial donations to the church office at St. Paul’s United Church, Box 309, Boissevain, MB R0K 0E0. Thank you!

Please be reminded to contribute to The Grateful Box as a thank you to God for birthdays, baptisms, anniversaries and other events that occur in our lives. The funds will be used for emergency purposes.